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Embrace the Dawn to Live Again

Updated: Mar 12, 2021

Getting to know me a little better

Well, most of the time, I'm a big ole cry baby. As I write this, just know there will be a tear or two. I will try not to cry on my video. The reason for all this boohooing is my mom, Margo E. Leonard, wrote this book. After all, she is the artistic one. She could draw, write, make and decorate cakes, and crochet dolls. During the time I wrote Mercy Undercover, she wrote this book. She later gave me the manuscript to retype on the computer, because she typed it up on a typewriter.

After her stroke in 2005, she didn’t remember she wrote it. This book was originally two separate manuscripts, Embrace the Dawn and To Live Again, but while typing it up and editing it for her, I made it into one larger manuscript. In 2016, I presented her with an unedited copy of her book, so that she could sign it. She cried, I cried, and everybody in the room cried. She went home to be with the Lord, February 6th, 2020. I dedicate this to her in Life, and will get her book professionally published soon. You can see the video on my News & Events page:

Set in the 1950s to early 70s, this story encompasses the embodiment of the Hollywood Theater and Fashion Scene.

“I was once part of all the glitter and glamour of Hollywood, you know.” “I know, that's why I’m excited to do this story.” “Are you sure about this? To me my life doesn’t seem that interesting.” “Mr. Bowman, you have experienced life most men dream about. To be part of Hollywood Theater, and real life drama! How can you not think your life wasn't interesting?” “That was some time ago. Now, I busy myself running my publishing company. If I agree, you must interview everyone I ask you to. Would you do that for me?” “Sure, that’s my job; to get the facts and make it as raw as possible.”

Embrace the Dawn to Live Again

This novel is a fictional suspense love story times two. The story starts with a whirlwind romance between Phillip Bowman and Beth Rawlins. When her past catches up to her, she has to tell the story of murder and deceit. What would you do if they accused your husband of killing his lover? The story continues when Beth's daughter Bess finds her way and footing in the fashion world, and learns the hard lesson of finding love in all the wrong places.

Embrace the Dawn to Live Again Reading:

All reading will be on the NNB Author's Point of View YouTube Channel Videos. Check the whole video out there:

Writing Topic: Do you have the characteristics it takes to be a writer?

Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing about.

~ Benjamin Franklin

When I first saw the quote above, I had to stop and think. Is my writing worth reading or has anything happened in my life worth writing about. I would definitely have to go with the latter, but one day I want to know that what I've written was worth reading. Did it touch someone's life? Did it help someone else get pass what they have endured themselves. I believe I wrote Unconditional Counsel knowing that my life experience is going to help someone else.

Writing for some is in their blood; they have the gift of telling a story that transforms us to wherever they want us to go. Others have to work at it, like me. Writing something doesn't automatically make you a writer or a talented writer. Knowing how to tell stories to your friends or family also doesn't make you an excellent writer. I believe it's a compilation of a lot of unique characteristics that envelope a person to desire, want to, and be a writer.

Can you tell a story, do you have the grasp of using the right words in the right place? Do you believe in the story you are telling and do you have a unique voice that makes you stand out? Are you willing to take risks in your writing? I know writing for fun and then transitioning to wanting to write a novel for a wide audience to experience is scary, but it takes grit. Do you have what it takes from beginning to end; persistence and commitment to the craft and the love of writing?

There are so many other factors which shows you are a writer. For most of us that have a desire to write an excellent story worth reading, we have to put in the work to do it. We must have the resilience to create a beginning, middle, and end. To see it through to completion. To be okay with constructive critique and be willing to start over from scratch or make changes to ensure you have created the best writing possible. Are You A Writer? Only God and you can determine that.

Writing Resource:

Fiverr is a great resource for writers. You can find editors, other writers, illustrators, logo creators etc., who can help you with any project. For example, a Fiverr vendor created my intro and outro videos. I found an editor who did my initial editing for Apocalyptic 7. Once you finish a project or you have ideas of what you will need for that project, you can have the vendors give you bids on the project. You then decide which vendor to go with. Make the payment, which starts the work, and when your product is complete, the Vendor gets paid.

Make sure you reach out to several vendors to get a price quote. Make sure you are specific in what you need and specific in providing the information necessary to the vendor. I had one unpleasant experience out of several uses, when I was trying to get someone to create illustrations for A7, and one of the created characters, my sons determined was from an Anime show they recognized. So, make sure you are paying for original work.

Q & A: If you had to do something different as a child or teenager to become a better writer as an adult, what would you do?

I definitely would have paid more attention in English class, but I would travel down the college road differently. I would take writing courses and/or journalism for sure. I think in a class setting; you find out early, whether you have what it takes to be a writer. Unfortunately, I didn't go that route, but I know God had and continues to have a plan for me writing for myself and/or helping others with theirs.

Next Week:

The Ghosts of Slavery's Dance: No More Chains

How this story came about is very interesting.

When dreams and a particular part in a story

reveals so much you have to write about it.

NNB Author's P.O.V.

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