Dreaming takes on two aspects. Dreaming when we sleep and when we think about a goal or desire or a big thing we want in our lives to happen. I've had many dreams over the years. Dreams I didn't understand to terrifying dreams, that I never wanted to remember, but are etched into my conscious. Some of my dreams have served me well, like when I dreamt and they turned into books. I am grateful for every dream, even the scary ones, because they served a purpose for that time in my life.
When we think about the other dreams, those that manifest into the external, whether it's a business or ministry or to make it big in whatever you do, dreaming is a part of it. When I was reading my devotional this morning, Dreaming with God, by Sarah Beth Marr, on YouVersion Bible App, there was a part of that devotional that stuck with me, "The world will continue to encourage us to follow our dreams on our own, to dream big and make things happen for ourselves. Truthfully, there isn't anything wrong with that, but God wants in on the plan." Whenever we Dream, we can't forget to acknowledge God in all our ways, because in every dream, we want Him to direct our paths.
When I close my eyes at night, I look forward to dreaming. A lot of times I pray to God to give me dreams for creative purposes. Conscious and sub-conscious thoughts about achieving beautiful things in God serves as encouragement.
Failure is a part of dreaming and part for our learning, but why would I want to go it alone and fail hard?
Dreams turn into achievements when they are driven by attainable goals. But remember, "with God all things are possible to those who believe."
The scripture reading for this Devotional is Ephesians 2:10, "For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do good things he planned for us long ago." Following our dreams with the Lord becomes the roadmap to a deeper relationship with Him.
That scripture makes it so plain that we can't leave God out of anything we do, even our dreams. God knew us before we were even in the womb. He predestined us; He created us; He knows our beginning, and He knows our ending.
Allow God to help you dream every aspect and plan that your heart desires.
I constantly dream as I go through my days. It is a reliable way to ensure that I maintain focus on what I am setting out to achieve. Especially when it pertains to what God has for me to do. I keep my mind on the prize.
I gear my daily activities towards those achievements of tomorrow. I'm not anxious or stay in my worry space, but through prayer and supplication, I make my requests known unto the Lord and leave it at the feet of Jesus.
Think about it. Dreams that are so big are beyond us. We need God to help us make those happen. It doesn't mean we sit around and wait for them to happen, but we seek God for direction and follow His lead. "Faith without works is dead."
Dreaming allows me to picture myself in my new situation. Seeing myself attain personal and professional feats brings surreal excitement.
It is exciting to tick smaller targets off the list because doing so takes me closer to my bigger goal.
That excitement is renewed each time I contemplate my journey towards success. It encourages me to refine my goals when I experience delays. I work smarter instead of harder when I have a particular mission at hand. Also, remembering a delay is not always a denial when God is involved. It may be a door you weren't supposed to go in, so in times like that, thank and praise God for the closed door.
Today, I celebrate the fact that I am a dreamer. My creativity multiplies when I consider my potential success. Allowing God's plans for your life and His will to do the things that are impossible for you to achieve on your own, but possible with God as He uses us and our talents to plot a path towards achieving them. Envisioning wonderful things happening in my life is motivation to achieve them. I am happy to keep dreaming because I have the potential with God to turn those thoughts into reality with a solid plan.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. How do I differentiate between lofty dreams and achievable ones?
2. How do I recognize my own dreams from the dreams God has placed in me?
3. How much emphasis do I put on pursuing goals that are intimidating?
4. How realistic am I when I set smaller goals aimed at achieving a larger goal?
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